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WordPress Hotel Booking Plugin: The Best-in-Class Solution for Hotels & Vacation Rentals
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Mobile-friendly Property Search Form
The arrival/departure dates are compulsory fields, but the number of adults/children are optional.
Real-time Availability Calendars
Enable guests to check the availability of individual properties right on the website.
Multiple Properties Bookable at One Go
One guest can reserve multiple accommodations during one booking placement.
Dynamic Seasonal Pricing
Regulate your property rates within any custom period: low and high seasons, holiday periods, etc. Set any prices in the preferable currency depending on a season or specific days/dates. “Season” is a general term and you can label it anyhow to reflect your pricing changes, for example, increase the pricing during any busy period. The difference in price can be applied for both long and short periods (e.g. 2 days).
Compex Rates Based on Property Facilities
Properties of the same type are equipped differently? Maintain fenced rates for the same accommodation types with different options: nonrefundable and non-cancelable reservations, advanced amenities, breakfast, private bathroom, and more.

Your guests will choose the preferable one on the checkout page.
Per-person Property Rates
One guest can reserve multiple accommodations during one booking placement.
Property Rates Based on the Length of Stay
Discounts for a longer stay? No problem! Create different price points based on the length of stay – add weekly, monthly or other rates for any custom duration. The system will automatically discount the properties according to your rate rules. The longer the stay, the better per-night rate!
Compulsory Taxes & Fees
Easily create percentage, per-stay, or per-day personalized discount coupons via the admin dashboard. You’ll be able to set a discount amount, an expiration date, set check-in and check-out dates, min/max days to stay and more to customize your coupons for individual accommodations. You can also create early-bird and last-minute discounts for your rooms or vacation rentals! Create a hotel booking website pricing that works for you.
Multiple Properties Bookable at One Go
One guest can reserve multiple accommodations during one booking placement.
Bookable Extras or Free Services
Offer additional guest services such as spa, airport-to-hotel delivery, a swimming pool, childcare, etc. that guests can add to their reservation on the checkout page. Set the service price to be charged per stay, daily or let the guest choose. Per-accommodation and per-guest prices can also be configured.
Handling Bookings & Payment Gateways
Confirm booking requests in the dashboard or instantly via email / upon payment. Charge a full price or deposit (fixed/percentage). Accept booking payments via built-in PayPal, 2Checkout, Braintree, Stripe, or Beanstream/Bambora gateways. Stripe additionally allows you to receive payments through Bancontact, iDEAL, Giropay, SEPA Direct Debit and SOFORT. Let guests pay after arrival or via a direct bank transfer.
Local Payment Gateways with WooCommerceLocal Payment Gateways with WooCommerce
Need to integrate more region-specific payment gateways on your website? We have a dedicated WooCommerce Payment extension that allows you to do that in clicks. Extend the number of payment gateways needed to handle online reservation of accommodations, without tech experts.
Instant or Manual Booking Confirmation
Confirm booking requests in a preferable way – give control over booking approval to either your guest (by clicking on a confirmation link in the email), to yourself (you approve it manually via the admin panel) or a booking will be confirmed automatically upon payment. For the payments, you can set the system to charge a full price or deposit (a fixed price or percentage).
Record Reservations Manually in WordPress Hotel Booking PluginRecord Reservations Manually & Edit Original Bookings
Accepting booking by phone? Using other traditional methods? Let your staff add bookings manually via the backend dashboard to keep the processes paperless. The guest can pay later after arrival or using a direct bank transfer. You can also edit original booking details, e.g. switch a room or change arrival/departure dates for guests.
User Dashboards
Allow customers to create personal accounts to easier view current bookings and speed up the process with all future ones. You are free to enable automatic account creation at checkout for everyone or let guests choose whether they want to have an account on your website.
Branded Admin & Client Email Notifications
The website administrator and guests will receive the appropriate emails with the booking details, booking status, cancellation notifications, etc. Edit the content of confirmation, cancellation and other email templates easily with the help of various macros that automatically get replaced with the client’s data. Choose colors, upload a logo, customize text, etc.